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bexco exhibiton

I’m raising two kids
When the kids were young, they were in rural Gangwon-do
When I was in Busan, I got pregnant with my eldest child
I think I’ve been there once.
I didn’t have to go after that, but about two times recently
I went to a baby fair.
What’s wrong with a baby fair?
I have friends who are raising children
I looked around to see if there was anything I could give you as a gift!
Among them, today is BEXCO Baby Fair
I went to the Hyundai Livart Baby Fair event.
BEXCO is always crowded with events like this.
It’s a place I visit often to listen to lectures, too
It’s already the third baby fair ^^
Starting today, it’s going to be held for four days
Busan BEXCO Hyundai Livart Baby Fair
If you’re expecting a baby
If you’re still raising a small child
I hope you’ll be interested in this post!
There’s a parking space
Right now, BEXCO is not only a baby fair
There are various events going on, so there might not be enough parking space
I recommend you to visit using public transportation!
Kobe Baby Fair and many other events
There were more people because it was going on.
There’s a baby fair
There were many baby customers who went out in a stroller.
To enter the Hyundai Livart Baby Fair
If you pre-register, take a barcode on your phone
You can enter after receiving the admission ticket..
◇Application for advance admission◇
Busan Baby Fair

Everything about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting! Kobe Baby Fair to Meet in BEXCO, Busan
It’s made of stickers, so if you put it on your clothes and enter
It’s possible, but I just held it and entered.
Maybe it’s because there are a lot of companies participating in this baby fair
It feels like there are a lot more booths than before
There were so many people that there was no time to step.
It’s the first day, but this is wooooh 👍
I’m curious about the bed this time
I went straight to the Hyundai Livart Baby Fair booth.
It’s D-23 booth
It’s close to the center cafe
You’ll find it easily!
Usually, people who rebated with newlywed furniture
After using it, you can use it as a crib or family bed
There seem to be quite a lot of people coming to repurchase!
When I lived in Gangwon-do, my acquaintance told me that before my kids went to elementary school
I bought it as a family bed for a long time
I used it and it was highly satisfying, so it was recommended to me too!
This product is a family bed
The biggest advantage is that it is easy to clean with a flat structure.
Since it’s low
The fact that a child can go up and down on his own
That’s one of the advantages!
The guard is thin and there’s about 40 millimeters of space on the floor
It’s easy to clean and ventilate because it’s floating.
In the case of legs, if you want, you can use the additional option
They say you can buy 200mm legs.
reversible family bed
This product is a bit more cozy than this
I think it’s good for the whole family to use
It was a family bed.
I’ve tried the mattress hard, too.
It’s a mattress that’s moderately soft and firm
I thought it would be great to get a good night’s sleep!
Head guards can be used on both sides.
Fabric on one side, artificial leather on the other
I hope you can actually visit and feel that touch too!
For guards, you can choose from two options.
If you choose footboard and guard
Even if a child rolls around and sleeps
You don’t have to worry about falling out of bed at all!
The younger a child is, the younger a family bed is
It’s good to buy it quickly and use it.
A curved guard can be held by a child and stood up
I’ll be sure to rest assured.
The thickness is also 80mm thick. ^^
At this Hyundai Livart Baby Fair
This is the family bed that I introduced
Reversible family beds. Two types of family beds
It’s on display, so I can see it with my own eyes
It’s a baby fair you can touch and experience.
A good night’s sleep is directly linked to the quality of life
Look at the good bed and touch it
I hope you buy it wisely.
Busan BEXCO Hyundai Livart Baby Fair
There is also an on-site event.
You know, right?
When an event like this comes out, it’s a little bit more than the original price
You can buy it at an affordable price and get free items!
It recognizes the QR code on the spot
If you follow Hyundai Livart
You can also get a pretty bib as a gift.

Also, if you buy it, you can get free aftersales service for 3 years
If you plan to buy a family bed
At BEXCO Hyundai Livart Baby Fair in Busan
I think it would be nice if you could get it.
There were a lot of staff members on the set
He explains it well
It would be nice if you could visit without worrying!
As I explained earlier
The reversible family bed has a curved guard
It’s made of both fabric and synthetic leather
You can use it in any way you want
The height of this bed is not that different from the floor
The height of this bed is not that different from the floor
There is an option to add a high 150mm leg.
I think it depends on your preference
If a child is young, I think I’d use the low-hanging type!
Hyundai Livart Baby Fair BEXCO
BEXCO Busan to start from October 3rd
Hyundai Livart Baby Fair
We still have 3 more days left
If you’ve been interested in Livart Family Bed
Go to BEXCO during the holidays
I’ll be back with the next review! Bye! 👋